Get found easier – Structured Data!

When we look at being found on the web, many parties usually focus only on us as humans. Because we use the search engine right? But what if I say that you can specifically optimize for the search engine itself. Could that help your website a step further? Surely!

Context of the Content

It may sound strange, but it means that you make the context of the content clearer to the search engine. This makes it easier for the search engines to properly rank your content.

A search engine, how smart they are and even though they are getting smarter, can not yet fathom everything. At least not as we can without our human qualities. Search engines can not see as we see with our eyes. Or establish direct relationships between components. We can do this on the basis of the full meaning of the page and the content section it is about.

Making context clearer, for search engines

The search engine needs our help in this one piece in order to be able to establish these relationships between content and context. To better understand our website and our goal. If they do that, the content will be able to rank much better.

That is definitely something we want, of course, but the question is how we can do that; you do that with the help of Structured data!

What is Structured data?

Structured data is making content understandable for search engines by marking your content with a piece of code. With this piece of code you clearly indicate the context of this content.

For example, you can indicate that something is an address, telephone number or review. But you can also indicate mutual relationships (semantics). Or as you would say in IT language: structured data describes the components (properties) of things.

But how do you add Structured data?

Nice that you know that you have to add a piece of code but that is still very vague of course. Shall we go deeper into it?

If we look at the party that determines the standard behind structured data, it is ( ) Mind you; already goes beyond what Google specifically supports in terms of data types. (see:

Now that we know where we can go for what is possible, how do you add structured data? That can be done in different ways.

There are three formats supported by Google; JSON-LD, Microdata and RDFa.

All of them are intended for setting up structured data. Only they differ in the way of how they function a lot. With microdata and RDFa, the necessary code (item scopes, item types or vocabularies) has to be added to existing HTML elements. With JSON-LD you use a <script> tag with a JSON structure, with the advantage that it can be separated from existing elements.

What are JSON-LD, Microdata and RDFa?

First; officially there is no best or worst option.

Google gave the preference for Microdata when introducing structured data support. Now Google is changing in this area and they give the first choir to JSON-LD. (see: under the header with formats and descriptions)

So Google has a preference and it is in my opinion the clearest form. Let’s take a closer look at JSON-LD for structured data;

JSON-LD stands for JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data. A whole mouth full. An example of JSON-LD layout when it arrives on structured dates;

<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Organization",
  "url": "",
  "name": "Unlimited Ball Bearings Corp.",
  "contactPoint": {
    "@type": "ContactPoint",
    "telephone": "+1-401-555-1212",
    "contactType": "Customer service"

As you can see it is a <script> tag which you designate with application / ld + json as given a JSON-LD structured data. The advantage is that JSON is easy to read for us as a person. But we also still quickly see the accumulated relationship.

What are we seeing in the above example?

The above is an Organization with various properties and has a Contact point with various characteristics. Is it logical to build up right?

The reason that Google has changed and has preferred JSON-LD is that they can also read JSON-LD dynamically. This ensures that JSON-LD can be shot in via Google Tag Manager, for example. In terms of management, this again brings the necessary benefits. As no developer need to have to use it. Provided you are already working with Google Tag Manager. This compared to the other forms of structured data where that is a necessity.

JSON-LD is therefore preferred in the field of implementation. But how do you add it? And also not unimportant what does adding really mean?

Let’s make that clearer for you!

The concrete addition can differ somewhat per situation. That is why it is difficult to explain every possible scenario in this item. To give an idea; JSON-LD may be added in a script tag like the example above. This json + ld tag can actually be placed anywhere in the HTML.

My advice in that area?

Where possible, it is still smart to keep the relationship the same. You do this by keeping the placement close to the content. Even though this does not necessarily have to be for the search engines. So it remains easy to manage. In addition, you also have a better view of the relationships that exist on a page.

In addition, all forms of structured data have the advantage that they do not have a visual impact on your website. If you are both optimizing and optimizing the same site with structured data; you should not see any difference between the two with the human eye.

Keep an eye on; With inline options such as RDFa and microdata, you have to add items such as itemscopes and itemprops in existing HTML elements. This can be quite difficult with a CMS (Content Management System) to get together.

This alone would be more than a valid reason to give preference to JSON-LD. This is not necessary and the script tag can actually occur anywhere in the HTML.

What will good use of Structured Data give you?

If you meet the requirements that apply to a specific Data Type as defined by Google (see:  all under the Featured Guide column) then the possibility exists that your search results will benefit from this through rich snippets.

Rich Snippets

Rich Snippets are, more or less, the rewards that Google gives if you deal well with the use of Structured data. But what exactly are Rich Snippets?

To give an example;

Google - Rich Snippet door Structured Data voorbeeld

As you can see, the rich snippet result between the other search results (SERPs) is enormous. That is because of the other view that is used. See the differences between 1 and 2 in the image.

That’s what it’s about; stand out among the search results!

That’s what you want because it makes it more likely that people who are searching will click on your search result.

What should I use in terms of Structured Data?

If you look at the absolute standard that is and what Google supports, you see a reasonable difference. The standard is already so much further than what Google is already doing concretely. It is therefore advisable to look carefully at what Google does and to implement everything. These are things that really benefit from the search engine.

By default make us of Site Enhancements

Look in terms of Content Types what fits your website and implement it. For a Webshop for example Products but also Reviews, for a News / Blog use (News) Articles etc.

Do you have to leave for what it is?

No, I would never do that at all. Look at the product / service / purpose of your website. See if there are aspects in terms of content that Google does nothing with, but which are important to you.

If already provides for this, the structured data will then be used. He is ready for when Google will do something with it. The sooner you can use something new, the more it will be an advantage for you. An advantage with which your competitors have not yet done anything.

In addition, Google first tests certain new features (including Content Types) with so-called selected partners. Sometimes they indicate it as Beta. That is the case now for; Software Apps, Top Places Lists and Live Coverage. As can be seen on; 

But sometimes they are not announced in advance. So a bit of pioneering does not have to be a sin at all.

How can I test how things are going?

If you are going to use Structured data, it is nice if you can test it in a good way. You simply want to know if everything you organize is understood by Google. Fortunately, there is a good way for that. You can use the Google Structured Data Testing Tool; 

This tool will make it clear whether you have set up all required properties for Data typing. If you miss required elements, you get errors, you miss optional elements, then you get warnings. If everything is alright then you usually get a button in the tool. With that you can see an example of the reward you would get in the search results.

For example, although you can not get concrete rich snippets in the search results, you can already see if there are problems with the way you try to obtain them.

In the field of rich snippets, it can really take a while for Google to make them available to you. It is also important to take into account that there are a number of ‘hidden’ requirements. To get the snippets you can start from the following things anyway;

  • A fast website, where possible below a second
  • Good layout – clear and clear, let someone judge this externally
  • Quality content – unique and well written, also let someone judge this externally

Je kunt alles goed doen op gebied van structured data. Maar als je website daarnaast niet goed is in het oog van Google is, is de kans dat je rich snippets krijgt enorm klein.

How to continue?

Is it of value to get started with structured data, with a view to target snippets and other advantages they offer? Absolutely!! But do not lose sight of the fact that you can best focus on the aspects that Google actually supports.

Despite the fact that steps further when it comes to defining definitions are not what the advantage will be in the search engines. Pioneer but so with common sense.

I can tell you a lot more about this but I think this item has already become quite long, if you want to talk about it with me, please feel free to contact me!

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